The end of his parable of the Queen of the Mediterranean, Pisa since then followed the fortunes of the Florentine Republic and later the Medici rule, which favored its gradual recovery.

Lorenzo the Magnificent to give in to cultural vocation of the city and the university gave its new headquarters in the Palace of Wisdom;

later Ferdinand I and Cosimo I de ‘Medici brought to fruition the reorganization of the university, which then became the center of the city and its most marked sign of identity.

The annexation to the Kingdom of Italy in 1860 coincided with a sharp urban and economic growth;

the old center of town, remained intact in the post-unification, was unfortunately damaged by bombing in 1943.

The rapid post-war reconstruction has changed but not distorted the character of this unique city,
that boasts a heritage of the most important monuments of the world,
starting from Piazza del Duomo better known as Campo dei Miracoli:

supreme expression of Romanesque and medieval civilization, which ideally belongs to all humanity.

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